Our Products & Services.

To provide excellent agricultural and environmental management services in a profitable, socially acceptable and environmentally sustainable manner

Certified Oil Palm Hybrid Seeds

Nursery & Field Development and Management

Plantation Management

Sustainable & Climate Smart Agriculture

Agricultural Advisory

Environmental Management Consultancy

Sustainable Agriculture & Environmental Consultants, Plantation Managers, Sustainable Development Experts.

Green Field Development

This starts with feasibility study to include land evaluation, land use, pedology, soil analysis, crop suitability, climatology and High Conservation Value (HCV) assessment. Others are the capital outlays and financial projections, materials and labour requirements and project timeline. The project commencement runs from land clearing and road/drainage construction through nurseries establishment to field planting, maintenance and upkeep.

Brown field development

Assessment and due diligence of existing but moribund, ailing or abandoned plantations for rehabilitation and or replacement with a view to reposition it to achieve profitability and standards in line with best practices.

Education and training

Education and training is a very important and veritable tool through which we achieve our set objectives of a sustainable and profitable oil palm production system. Our formal and informal trainings include but not limited to nursery establishment and management, immature and mature field management, pest and disease control, Health, Safety & Environment (HSE), the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE’s), conservation agriculture and so on. The training also includes technology transfer from the team of our experts across board to the client or the local residence to ensure continuity of laid down Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).

Sustainability and High Conservation Values (HCVs’)

Our operational practices ensures adherence to Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) guidelines through practices that protects important environmental, social and cultural values including biodiversity without compromising the livelihoods and survival of the indigenous people and local communities.


Furthermore, we also engages in advisory/consultancy services to farmer groups, cooperative societies, NGOs, institutions, corporate bodies and governments on innovative, sustainable and precision agricultural solutions.

Nursery & Field Development and Management

Our team of professionals will Develop and manage your Nursery & Fields with utmost profesionalism.

Our Clients